Malaysian Journal Of Computer Science Publication Charges

Malaysian journal of science launched in 1972 is the official peer reviewed open access journal of the faculty of science university of malaya the journal is published three times a year beginning 2020 february june october and is indexed in scopus embase compendex geobase embiology elsevier biobase fluidex world textiles cab abstracts chemical abstracts service database and.
Malaysian journal of computer science publication charges. See more journals in technology and engineering. Scientific journal selector 2018 2019 we collect latest information of sci journals include issn h index citescore online submission url research area subject area submission experience etc. There will be no page charge for the journal. The malaysian journal of computer science issn 0127 9084 is published four times a year in january april july and october by the faculty of computer science and information technology university of malaya since 1985.
Scimago journal ranking 2013. A pdf version of each published article paper will be provided to the first named author corresponding author free of charge in lieu of the offprints. The purpose of jiie is to understand the dilemmas conflicts issues and current possibilities which focus directly to the research of. Deviations from the instructions will cause publication delay.
Journal of computer science is aimed to publish research articles on theoretical foundations of information and computation and of practical techniques for their implementation and application in computer systems. The journal of issues in education is a printed journal issn 0126 5024 which double blind peer reviewed published by the faculty of education university of malaya kuala lumpur it is published once a year december in english and in bahasa malaysia. Malaysian journal of computer science alternative link publisher. Submission of the final manuscript implies that the manuscript is in its final form.